When God Leads

Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory .(KJV)

You will keep on guiding me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny (New living Translation).

Bible Text: Psalm 73:24

This world is full of treacherous paths, many of them intricately criss-crossing one another. Where are you headed for and how will you get there. Considering our human limitations, we are not likely to get anywhere far. It is God’s earnest desire to guide us through the very challenging journey from birth to our destiny. God does this by his holy counsel.

The whole of Ps 73 is about a man who almost slipped from his destiny by miss-interpreting his observations, supposing ungodliness to be gain. But when he went into the sanctuary of God he received understanding. Under the Old Testament, the counsel of God was given through the servants of God such as the prophets. In the New Testament, believers receive the counsel of God through an infallible person – The Lord Jesus. The bible calls him the Counsellor (Isa 9:6). However, before Jesus went to the cross, he told his disciples in John 16:13 that he would send them the comforter (the Holy Spirit), and he would guide them into all truth. As God guided the children of Israel by the pillar of cloud by day and night, from bondage to their land of promise, God has given us the Holy Spirit to guide us and ensure we do not miss our destiny.

Always yield to him and in all; ensure you do not grieve him.

Be encouraged, Jesus loves you!